Diamond Voice Singing Sangha Online

October 20-December 8, 2024
8-Sundays, 3:30-5:00 pacific, Via Zoom

What Diamond Voice offers is a pathway to our authentic voice, our true sound, and resonance. This gives rise to tremendous personal insight, resourcefulness, and creativity. By shining the light of awareness and attuning ourselves to our essential nature we generate a dynamic energy-field of embodied presence, connection, and creativity. Through song, silence, writing, inquiry, and personal coaching along with an array of integrative awareness, rhythm, and vocal practices, our true nature and our voice come alive – fully embodied – allowing our inner brilliancy to melt and dissolve the bonds of fear, judgment, and self-consciousness.

This is a multi-faceted excursion through all the dimensions of voice & self-expression as well as a powerful vehicle for developing consciousness, compassion, and creativity.

This on-going, closed group provides many of the special benefits of private sessions as well as what can only be had with a shared group experience.

Embrace   Embody   Empower

“Creativity is God…
God does not speak from the outside,
he speaks from your innermost core, he is already there.
And to be connected to your innermost core
is true prayer, true meditation.
The moment you are connected, it is so blissful,
so ecstatic that you can only bow down in deep gratitude.”
– Osho
Thank you for your amazing guidance Maniko. There are no words to say what it has done for me. From the depth of my old struggles, I have arisen with a very, very fierce energy, a powerful healing love…The Singing Sangha extended community offering was a major event in my life. All the songs stay with me as guides and blessings on the path and the transformation that I experienced is growing exponentially. I feel so alive! My life is dramatically different–easier, more fun, more possible, more creative, and fully connected!
~H. H., Therapist, Trainer, Visual Artist

Cost: $285 by Oct 4th
$345 thereafter as space allows

To reserve your space register now.
email, or call 415-460-6960

By Check, mail payment to: Maniko Dadigan
16486 Cooper Rd, Nevada City, CA 95959

By Venmo (preferred) to: @Maniko-Dadigan
last 4 cell digits 6960

Send Money with Zelle®
Maniko‘s Email

To register using Paypal:
When directed to PayPal, manually type in the
workshop name and enter the amount.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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