Winter Solstice
Song, Silence & Soul Sanctuary
Meditation & Constellation Retreat
Dec 14-15, 9:30 am-5:00 pm, Sat & Sun, Nevada City, CA
From Darkness to Light
Moving Meditation Cycles, Essential Constellations, Sharing & Song
The Winter Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere is a deep pause and turning, in the cycle of the year. It is a fertile time for meditation & transformation. Our beloved planet comes to a total stillness readying itself once again to turn toward the light–supporting us to do the same. Presence, awareness, and compassionate listening are astounding vehicles that move across dimensions and through even physical limitations when each of us is grounded, awake and attuned. It would be delightful to have you with us as we discover and celebrate the movements, inner and outer, of darkness and light, creating poetry & song from our insights to guide us on our way.
The short days and long nights are a powerful time for reflection, and cultivating renewed awareness, to see with an appreciation for all that has happened in the past year of our lives…the beauties and the difficulties, the losses and the gifts, and to reset your vision of self and participation moving forward into a new year. Together, we create a dynamic field of truth, beauty & love. Movement, stillness, song, writing, reflection, sharing insights, and connection. I hope you can join us for this amazing turning, from Darkness to Light. On we go…
In this elegant retreat, we move in cycles of meditation and mystic practices that cleanse, heal, awaken, and integrate all facets of our nature, opening the way for creativity and self-expression to flourish.
Through silence and sitting, through movement and dance, through songs of remembrance and devotion, through the intimacy and power of reflection in writing, sharing, and poetry-making, we come home. Transformation happens on its own.
Maniko has been facilitating Constellations since 2000 and is trained by Bert Hellinger the founder of Hellinger Family Constellations. Through the years, Maniko has expanded the vehicle of Constellations to deepen awareness, creativity, healing and well being in all facets of our lives. Her skillful facilitation and coaching along with her warmth and joy help to guide you on the amazing journey into wholeness—freeing you to live vitally and to share your unique gifts with the world.
Early registration by Dec 1, $295, $333 thereafter
Early registration by Dec 1, $295
$333 thereafter
To reserve your space register now.
email, or call 415-460-6960
Mail Tuition to: Maniko Dadigan
16486 Cooper Rd, Nevada City, CA 95959
Pay with Venmo to Maniko-Dadigan
last 4 digits of cell# 6960
Pay with Zelle®
By Paypal:
When directed to PayPal, manually type “Winter Retreat” & enter the amount, then update.