Song, Silence & Soul Sanctuary
Summer 9-Day Residential Retreat, Winter 4-Day Meditation & Constellation Retreat
Nevada City, California
In this elegant retreat, we move in cycles of meditation and mystic practices that cleanse, heal, awaken and integrate all facets of our nature, opening the way for creativity and self-expression to flourish.
Through silence and sitting, through movement and dance, through songs of remembrance and devotion, through the intimacy and power of constellations, we come home. Transformation happens on its own.
Maniko’s skillful facilitation and coaching along with her warmth and joy help to guide you on the amazing journey of healing, creativity, and self-awareness—freeing you to live vitally and to share your unique gifts with the world.
Email for Directions & All Details
Help with other accommodation is available.
To reserve your space register now:
email Temple of Song, or call 530-615-0021 &
Send tuition Payable to Maniko
PO Box 602, Nevada City, CA 95959
Some private rooms are available on campus or great AirBnB options
Summer retreat cost includes private camping accommodations.
To pay and register using Paypal:
When directed to PayPal, manually type the Workshop Name & enter the amount, then update. After finishing the Paypal payment prompts, please choose “return to merchant” to complete your registration.
pay by credit card
Maniko Dru Dadigan
Voice & Self-Expression
Whole Person Integration
“Allowing Your Gifts, Intelligence and Creativity to Shine.”
Email Temple of Song